

Find an appointment
Search the Appointment Book for all bookings that have been made for a patient, then open or delete any of the appointments found.
Book an appointment
Make an appointment for a patient in the Zedmed appointment book, and manage linked bookings the patient waitlist and the cancellation list.
Cancel an appointment
Cancel a patient's appointment and review the cancellation options. Cancelling an appointment is preferred to deleting an appointment because cancellations are captured in Zedmed's reports.
Appointment display options
Customise the appearance of the Appointment Book, how doctors are ordered and what options are displayed.
Manage the Waiting Room
Use the Waiting Room to manage patients as they attend the practice and ensure they are billed correctly. You can also quick attend walk-ins and doctors can hide patients they have seen.
Send a manual recall
Practices can manually send SMS recalls to patients using the Recall Report by selecting the criteria for who will receive the reminder then selecting send SMS.
Send a manual reminder
Practices can manually send SMS reminders to patients using the Appointment Report by selecting the criteria for who will receive the reminder then selecting send SMS.
Surgical booking
Book an appointment for a surgical procedure. This includes setting up the Operations List - a report that provides information about the operation for the hospital and surgeon.