Tasks performed by Zedmed

Zedmed Cloud is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, and this document provides a list of the routine tasks performed by Zedmed and the tasks that need to be requested. For on-premise customers moving to cloud, these tasks will have previously been the responsibility of the practice.

Routine tasks

The following tasks are performed by Zedmed and do not need to be requested.

  • Monthly Medicare fees updates.
  • All other fee updates (as they become available).
  • Zedmed upgrades.
  • MIMS updates.

Adding and removing branches

To add or update a branch in Zedmed, please contact Zedmed support using the Zedmed Cloud Change Request form.

Adding and disabling users

When you have new or departing staff, Zedmed will create the Zedmed User account and 2FA, and disable access when a user leaves. These requests are processed within 1 business day using the New user request form and the Disable user request form.

New integration requests

If any of the following integrations were not set up as part of your cloud onboarding, they will need to be requested using the Zedmed Cloud Change Request form: MIMS, ICPC-2, Tyro, eRx, HealthLink Messaging, My Health Record, Medicare Online, ZedSMS and the Zedmed Doctors App.

Other changes

Zedmed's Practice settings and Global Settings are configured by Zedmed Cloud support and cannot be changed by practice users. If there is a  setting that you want to be changed, please contact Zedmed Support on 1300 933 000. A ticket will be raised and Zedmed Cloud support will contact you to discuss the request.