HealthShare directory

HealthShare is Australia's largest Specialist and Allied Health directory and can be used in Zedmed v36.3.3 and later - to produce printer referral letters.


  • When you look up an addressee, you will have a choice of the Zedmed Address book or the HealthShare directory.
  • HealthShare is for printed referrals only -it does not support secure messaging (HealthLink, Argus etc).
  • For laboratory referrals, you can use the cc: option to add a practitioner from HealthShare to inform them of the lab request.

Using the HealthShare directory

When creating a letter or referral, the search icon by the addressee opens the Address Book, where you can then select the HealthShare directory.

Zedmed features that open the Address Book include:

To add a HealthShare directory recipient to a letter or referral:

  1. Open the Zedmed Address book.
    In this example, we will use the Referral Letters module.
  2. If the HealthShare tab is not the default, select the HealthShare tab or HealthShare on the dialog prompt.
  3. Search for the practitioner.
    When you start typing, a drop-down results menu will appear.
    You can type in the:
    •  Practitioner name
         Select a practitioner from the list shown and their profile will open, as shown in the screenshot below.
    •  Practice name
         Select the practice from the list, then select a practitioner at the practice or use the practice as the recipient.
    •  Specialty name
         Select the specialty then either enter the location to filter the results or select a practitioner from the list.
  4. Select  Write Referral or Write Letter
    This will be to the practitioner or practice, as shown in the scenarios below for a referral.
    There are 3 ways to do this:
    a) To the practitioner from the practitioner page.b) To the practice or practitioner from the practice page.c) To the practice or practitioner from the practice group page.
  5. The practice or practitioner will be added as a recipient for the referral or letter.
    These are the fields next to the Address book/search icon.