Customise SMS text

Update the text used by Zedmed for your appointment confirmations and both scheduled and manual SMS reminders.

Appointment Confirmation text

SMS Appointment confirmations use a default message, but you can create your own custom messages for each branch and appointment type. Any appointment types that don't have a customised message will automatically use the All appointment types message. 

To change the default SMS message:

  1. Go to Zedmed's Management tab.
  2. Select Practice Setup then SMS configuration.
    The SMS Configuration screen will open.
  3. Select the Appointment Confirmation tab.
    The SMS Confirmation Message field shows the standard message for all branches and appointment types. The message includes merge fields and appointment-specific information.
  4. Select the Branch the reminder text is for.
    Repeat the following steps for each branch as required.
  5. Make the required changes.

    • Edit the message text.
      Select the Appointment Type and update the SMS Confirmation Message field. Type in changes and use the Insert Merge Field drop-down to add merge fields to the displayed SMS Reminder Message.
    • Change the messages for different branches.
      Select the branch and change the text for that branch.
    • Create different messages for different appointment types.
      Make a selection in the Appointment Type field and enter the text into the SMS Confirmation Message field.  
    • Add more appointment types.
      Select Add Message then the Appointment Type and select Create New. Provide message text for the appointment.
  6. Select Close to save and exit.

Appointment Reminder text

SMS appointment reminders use a default message, but you can create your own custom messages for each branch and appointment type. Any appointment types that don't have a customised message will automatically use the All appointment types message. 

The message can ask the patient to advise whether they can or cannot make the appointment by replying Y/Yes - No/No - or either. Zedmed recognises these responses so care must be taken when composing reminders so the patient replies with a valid response.

To change the default SMS message:

  1. Go to Zedmed's Management tab.
  2. Select Practice Setup then SMS configuration.
    The SMS Configuration screen will open.
  3. Select the Appointment Reminders tab.
    The SMS Reminder Message field shows the standard message for all branches and appointment types. The message includes merge fields and appointment-specific information.
  4. Select the Branch the reminder text is for.
    Repeat the following steps for each branch as required.
  5. Make the required changes.

    • Edit the message text.
      Select the Appointment Type and update the SMS Reminder Message field. Type in changes and use the Insert Merge Field drop-down to add merge fields to the displayed SMS Reminder Message.
    • Change the messages for different branches.
      Select the branch and change the text for that branch.
    • Create different messages for different appointment types.
      Make a selection in the Appointment Type field and enter the text into the SMS Reminder Message field.  
    • Add more appointment types.
      Select Add Message then the Appointment Type and select Create New. Provide message text for the appointment.
  6. Select Close to save and exit.

Manual Appointment Reminder text

Update the text used in manual appointment reminders sent from the Appointment Report.

To update the message text:

  1. Go to Zedmed's Reception tab.
  2. Select Daily reports then Appointments.
    The Appointment Report screen will open.
  3. Select Send Appointments via SMS.
  4. Select the Modify SMS Text button.
  5. Edit the content of the message.
    The merge fields (phrases inside <  >) will automatically populate the message with the appropriate information according to your appointments.  These merge fields are not customisable, and there are only a few available for your SMS reminders.
  6. Select Close to save your changes.
    Selecting Reset will revert back to the default message.
    The maximum number of characters (including spaces) in a message is 160 (1 ZedSMS credit).  If you exceed this limit a second message will be sent.  Merge fields are included in the character count and vary in size.