Tyro create API password

Each entity receiving payments through a Tyro eCommerce account must create a Tyro API password.  This password is linked to the entity's MID and bank account in Zedmed, was explained in the Payment Gateway setup guide.

The API password is created using an option in the eCommerce account. To use this option you must first create an Operator account and log in as an Operator as explained in the steps below. 

To create an API password:

  1.  Login to Tyro's eCommerce portal with the credentials provided by Tryo for your eCommerce account.
    URL: https://tyro.gateway.mastercard.com/ma
    You will be logged into the Tyro eCommerce portal.
  2. Select Admin Operators.
  3. Select Create a New Merchant Administrator Operator
  4. Fill in the Operator Details.
    •  Operator ID - enter a logical name. E.g Integrations.
    •  Operator Name - you can use the same word used for the ID. E.g Integrations.
    •  Enter and confirm the password.
  5. Further down the page, add the required permissions.
    •  View Report Pages
    •  Download Order Search Results.
    •  May Configure Integration Settings.
    •  May Configure Integration Settings.
    •  May Configure Email and Webhook Notifications.

  6. Select Submit.

    You will now see the new account in the Operator list.

  7. Logout.
  8. Login with the new Integrations account using the credentials.
  9. Select Admin Integration Settings.
  10. Select Edit.
  11. Tick the Password 1 box to enable this new API Password
  12. Select Generate New.
  13. Select Submit.
  14. Take a copy of the password.

    These steps are shown in the Zedmed Payment Gateway setup guide.