Navigate Zedmed using function key shortcuts that allow you to quickly find users and change screens with a keystroke.
Office shortcut keys
- F2 Opens the Quick Login dialog (to change user).
- F3 Opens the Select Branch screen (to change branch).
- F4 Press F4 once to open the patient search screen.
- F4 Press F4 twice to open the last patient record that was open.
- F5 Printer Mapping Setup.
- F6 Change Pictures on the Reception/Management screen.
- F7 Opens Intramail from the Reception, Management or Utilities screen.
Appointment Book shortcut keys
- F7 Attends a patient.
- F8 Marks an Appointment slot as being "Unavailable".
- F9 Shows the Booking Rules for the selected doctor.
Clinical shortcut keys
- F4 Find Patient
- F5 Printer Setup
- F6 Process Results
- F7 Intramail
- F8 MIMS module
- F9 Address Book
- F10 Start Encounter
- F11 Scanner Module
- F12 Spell Check
- Ctrl+F4 Open Family Member (Do not use with cloud)
- Ctrl+F6 Import Lab Results
- Ctrl+F10 Stop Encounter
- Ctrl+Alt+B Pregnancy Module
- Ctrl+D Define Problem
- Ctrl+E Examination Templates
- Ctrl+H Family and Past History
- Ctrl+O Observations
- Ctrl+P Prescriptions
- Ctrl+R Referrals
- Ctrl+T Auto Text
- Ctrl+S Save Patient
- Alt+X Exit Application
- Ctrl+Del Delete Encounter Segment
- Ctrl+Ins Add Encounter Segment
- Alt+I Immunisations
- Alt+A Allergies
- Alt+P Print History