AIR error codes

 Full list of AIR error codes and messages. Correct at the time of writing.

AIR-W-0100Antigen has been administered under the minimum required age
AIR-W-0101Minimum interval between doses of the same antigen is not met
AIR-E-0102Check for duplicate vaccination services already in AIR system.
AIR-W-0102Duplicate antigen dose
AIR-W-0103Duplicate antigen dose
AIR-W-0104Minimum interval between doses of the same antigen is not met
AIR-W-0105Dose is greater than the maximum allowable dose
AIR-W-0106Higher dose is already administered by the same provider
AIR-W-0107Dose administered at greater than recommended schedule age
AIR-W-0108Dose administered under the recommended schedule age
AIR-W-0109Higher dose is already administered by a different provider
AIR-W-0110Period between doses of the same antigen is less than 6 months
AIR-W-0111Period between doses of the same antigen is less than 6 months
AIR-W-0112Dose is greater than the maximum allowable dose
AIR-W-0113Dose given at < schedule age 42 months
AIR-W-0114Dose given at < schedule age 42 months
AIR-W-0115Antigen has been administered under the minimum required age
AIR-W-0116DTP dose 4 already given at < 42 months
AIR-W-0300Duplicate – this service was previously reported by the same provider
AIR-W-0301Duplicate – this service was previously reported by the same provider
AIR-W-0303Duplicate history form episode
AIR-W-0305Greater than 5 episodes given on the same date of service
AIR-W-0334HepB dose 3 should not be given at less than 15 weeks of age.
AIR-W-0400Accept and submit to AIR
AIR-W-1001Encounter was NOT successfully recorded. Correct the details or submit confirmation accepting episode(s) status.
AIR-W-1004Individual was not found. Correct the individual details or confirm and accept individual details are correct.
AIR-E-1005The request contains validation errors.
AIR-E-1006Unexpected error. Try again shortly. If the error persists, email 
AIR-W-1008Encounter(s) was not successfully recorded. Correct the details or resubmit confirmation accepting episode(s) status.
AIR-E-1046Encounter(s) was not successfully recorded. Correct the details and resubmit or remove the invalid encounter(s).
AIR-E-1058This individual’s record cannot be viewed or updated at this time.
AIR-W-1059This individual's immunisation details cannot be viewed at this time. You can record encounter(s) for this individual.
AIR-E-1062Some fields in this record may not be available for updating. You can record encounter(s) for this individual.
AIR-W-1010Catch-up date already exists for the individual.
AIR-W-1011Catch-up date period has expired.
AIR-E-1012An error occurred during the assessment of the individual.
AIR-E-1013The maximum number of encounters has been exceeded.
AIR-E-1014Episode sequencing error detected. Sequence numbers must begin with 1 and increment by 1 as each episode is added.
AIR-E-1015Date of Service must be after individual’s Date of Birth.
AIR-E-1016Invalid format for field {0], for data item with value {1}.
AIR-E-1017Invalid value {0} for field {1}. The data element does not comply with the values permitted or failed a check digit check.
AIR-E-1018Date field {0} with value {1} is in future. The date supplied must not be in the future.
AIR-E-1019Date field {0} with value {1} is more than 130 years in the past.
AIR-E-1020Individual’s Medicare card number must be supplied if IRN is set.
AIR-E-1021Immunising Provider Number must be supplied.
AIR-E-1022Date of Service is invalid.
AIR-E-1023Vaccine code is invalid.
AIR-E-1024Vaccine dose is invalid.
AIR-E-1025Encounter has more than one episode with an equivalent vaccine.
AIR-E-1026Individual information provided is insufficient
AIR-E-1027School Id is invalid.
AIR-E-1028Immunisation Provider number must exist and be current at the date of submission in the AIR System.
AIR-E-1029Information Provider number must exist and be current at the date of submission in the AIR System.
AIR-E-1030Invalid Confirmation flag is set but individual has been matched.
AIR-E-1031Invalid Confirmation flag is set but individual’s Medicare Card details have been provided.
AIR-E-1033Claim Id must be set if this is a confirmation request.
AIR-E-1035Individual not found.
AIR-E-1036Postcode and Locality combination must be valid.
AIR-E-1037Address line two can only be set if address line one is provided.
AIR-E-1038Customer Id {dhs-auditId} must be valid format
AIR-E-1039Minor Id: {dhs-auditId} is not authorised to perform this action for Information Provider {informationProviderNumber}.
AIR-E-1040Claim Id must NOT be set unless this is a confirmation request.
AIR-E-1041Error in Encounter sequencing.  Sequence numbers must begin with 1 and increment by 1 with each Encounter added.
AIR-E-1042A new individual's confirmation requires, first name, last name, date of birth, gender, address line one, locality, postcode.
AIR-E-1043Postcode {0} is not a valid postcode.
AIR-E-1044Individual's AIR registration is not current at the date of service {dateOfService} or cannot be viewed or updated.
AIR-E-1045Error occurred during assessment of individual.
AIR-E-1047Catch-up date cannot be generated for individuals over 20 years.
AIR-E-1049A natural immunity for this disease has been previously recorded.
AIR-E-1050End date is before start date. For the supplied field {0} with value {1}, is in the past or incorrect.
AIR-E-1051End date is required for temporary type. For the supplied field {0} with value {1}, the field{0} is earlier than the start date.
AIR-E-1052Encounter cannot be found.
AIR-E-1053Immunisation cannot be changed.
AIR-E-1054Date of Service cannot be updated.
AIR-E-1055Submission date is invalid (or not matched?).
AIR-E-1056Date of Service cannot be greater than receipt date.
AIR-E-1057Individual Identifier is invalid.
AIR-E-1061Individual Identifier is invalid or has expired.
AIR-E-1063Information provider {informationProviderNumber} is not authorised to use this service.
AIR-E-1064Details are invalid or you are not authorised to update this encounter.
AIR-E-1065The Acknowledgement field must be selected to change the Additional Vaccines Required Indicator.
AIR-E-1066For the supplied field {0} with value {1}, is in the past or incorrect.
AIR-E-1067This action cannot be performed against the individual’s record.
AIR-E-1068Antigen code is invalid.
AIR-E-1069{0} or {1} is required.