Zedmed firewall settings

There are websites and services that Zedmed uses, both internal and external to your site. Firewall and anti-virus software can block access to ports and websites. 

The tables below show the services, servers and port numbers used by Zedmed.

Server (accessible from client computers)


IP/Web Address


 Zedmed Clinical



 Zedmed Office (HI Service)


 9801 - Depreciated on Ver 36.6 – Will use API Port

 Zedmed Clinical Service


 9802 – Depreciated on Ver 36.6 – Will use API Port

 Zedmed API



 Firebird Server


 3050, 3306





 Zedmed (accessible by server and client computers)

FunctionIP/Web AddressPort

 Zedmed Website


 Standard Web Port 80/8080

 Zedmed FTP Site


 Standard FTP port 21

 Zedmed Endpoint Server and Sophia

Used for:

  • Error reporting
  • Usage statistics reporting 
  • Upgrade reports 
  • Automatic MIMS Updates 
  • Drug rules for ePrescribing 
  • Immunisation Updates


 (Please use this rather than the IP   address as this may move servers) 

 HTTPS port 443



FunctionIP/Web AddressPort



3440 (internal) 80 (external) 
To be port HTTPS port 443 This is automatically updated in Zedmed v36.6.8

ZedSMShttps://apiv2.cellcast.com.au/v6/HTTPS port 443

 My Health Record


 HTTPS port 443



 HTTPS port 443