Heidi AI

Zedmed's Heidi AI integration uses voice input to generate AI-enhanced clinical notes and consultation transcripts. Before it is added to a patient's file, all generated content can be reviewed and manually edited. Requires Zedmed v38.

To enable Heidi AI and create a subscription, see the Heidi AI setup guide.


Audio Input
You will need a microphone or headset to capture the voice input. To record a patient talking, you will need a microphone that can capture audio from your device's speakers.

For Zedmed Cloud
The first time you use Heidi, select Allow to the browser microphone dialogue. Then, click the Microphone icon in the cloud menu to turn it blue (on) each time you use Heidi.

Managing multiple patients
If multiple patients are open in Clinical, Heidi's widget shows the selected patient and only applies to that patient. It is, therefore, important to have the correct patient selected when recording.  If you swap the patient while recording, the recording will stop.

Adding clinical notes

Heidi AI creates a session for each patient, and any information added to Heidi for that patient will be accessible for 24 hours after the first recorded input.

To add clinical notes:

  1. Open a patient record or Admit the patient.
    The patient's name will appear in the Heidi widget.
  2. Start the encounter if the patient was not Admitted.
    The encounter needs to be running to add the notes to the patient using the Push function.
  3. Expand Heidi AI using the upper-right arrows.
  4. Select Start visit.

    The widget show the recording status and duration.
  5. Record your clinical observations for the consultation using the microphone.
  6. When you have finished recording, select the recording status field.

    Heidi will top recording and show the available templates.
  7. Select the Template you want to use.
    Templates determine how the information is structured. Learn more.

  8. Heidi will display the AI-generated notes (created from your input).
  9. Select the level of detail (Optional).
    The default is Goldilocks - just right.
  10. Review the notes and manually edit them if required.
    • Select the Transcript button to check the original transcript the AI Note is based on.
    • Select the Resume button to add more notes. If you selected Push notes before pushing the resume, the notes will be added again if you select Push notes, including information already added.
  11. Select Push note.
    The AI transcript will be added to the clinical notes section of the patient's clinical record.

Adding clinical notes to a letter

The clinical notes created by Heidi AI can be added to a letter using adding the Selectable Encounter Notes merge field to the letter's template. 

  1. Open the letter template with the Selectable Encounter Notes merge field.
  2. When prompted, select the Problem/RFE to add the notes. Selecting the timestamp will not add the notes.
    The letter will open with the clinical notes.

Heidi letter templates

The current Zedmed integration is for clinical notes. However, you can also use Heidi to access letter templates.

To use a Heidi letter template:

  1. Select the letter icon beside the patient's name.
  2. Select a template under Document templates.
    The standard text for that template will be displayed.
  3. Open a new letter from Zedmed's Quick docs 
  4. Copy and paste the Heidi template text into the Zedmed letter.