Logins & passwords

Each Zedmed user logs into the software using a username and password, and the roles assigned to their account determine the screens and features they have access to.  

The Zedmed login

When you open Zedmed, you will be presented with a login dialog. Log in using the credentials provided by your Practice Manager or their delegated administrator.

If your practice has multiple sites running Zedmed, you will be asked what branch you want to log into. Choose your branch and select OK.

If you tick, Set this branch as my default branch at login, you will automatically log into that branch in the future. You can still change to another branch while you are logged in as explained in the section below

How to reset your Zedmed password

Zedmed passwords are reset by the Practice Manager and staff with administrator access. The process for resetting a Zedmed password is explained in the reset password guide.

How to change your Zedmed password?

If you know your Zedmed password, you can change it to a different password. This process is explained in the Change Password guide.

How to change the branch you are logged into

Your Zedmed accounts can be used to log into any practice branch, however, you only have access to the patients, doctors and appointments for that branch. While logged in, you can change to another branch as explained in the change branch guide.

Client Portal login

Zedmed customers log into the client portal to access updates to Zedmed Software and Fee files. The username and password is setup for the practice by Zedmed. If you forget your client portal password, there is a Forgot your Password option.

You can log into the Client Portal using the login option on the top right of the Zedmed website, or directly using the URL https://sftp.zedmed.com.au/login.

Zedmed Cloud customers

Zedmed Cloud pilot site users have a password to log into the cloud platform in addition to their Zedmed login. Both logins are managed by Zedmed and Zedmed Support should be contacted for password resets. Ph 1300 933 000 or email support@zedmed.com.au.

Zedmed Cloud users can change their cloud password if they know their existing password. This process is explained in the Change Zedmed Cloud password guide.