Create a new payer

Add a new payer to Zedmed. That payer will be a selectable option when you add different payers to patients. For example, WorkCover or TAC.

To create a new payer:

  1. Go to Zedmed's Management tab.
  2. Select Debtors > Account Payer.
    The Find Account Payer screen will open.
  3. Enter the name of the new payer into the Name field, and select Find.
    If the payer does not exist, you will be prompted add a new Payers Record by selecting Yes.
    If the payer has an acronym,  search for the acronyms as well to avoid adding a duplicate payer.
  4. Fill in the applicable field for the payer.
    Key fields are:
    1. Category.
      This is for the type of payer. For example, for  BUPA you would select Insurance Company.
    2. Default Fee Type.
      Select the fee schedule the payer uses:
      • If a fund has its own fee schedule, select that. E.g, for BUPA you would select BUPA.
      • For insurance companies being added for Work Cover billing, select Work Cover.
      • When adding TAC for billing for road accidents, select Motor Vehicle.
    3. If the payer needs its own Fee Type, see the Add a new fee type guide.
    4. Brand ID.
      For health funds, enter the Brand ID as per the Eclipse Fund Participants report. You can also refer to our Health fund brand IDs guide.
    5. Contact details
      Add address & contact details if known. This isn't required for health funds with claims processed electronically by Eclipse, but it can be added if you ever need to process a claim manually.
  5. Select Close to save the new payer.
  6. Once you have set up the payer, you will need to add fees to the items it will pay for.
    To learn more, see the Manage item fees guide.
    If the payer was a Health Fund and you have specialists, you will need to add the fund's ECLIPSE scheme to each specialist's profile.