Clinical features


Secure Send
Use email and SMS to securely send invoices, referrals and other documents to patients with Electronic Document Transfer (EDT). Documents are securely accessed by the payer using a link to a branded verification page.
Heidi AI
Zedmed's Heidi AI integration uses voice input to generate AI-enhanced clinical notes and consultation transcripts.
The Doctors App
Install the Doctor's App so you can action results and manage patients, wherever they are. It can be downloaded from the IOS app store or Google Play.
Quick Documents
Quick Documents is a menu in Clinical that provides easy access to popular documents and templates. It opens from a patient's record so you can access patient-specific documents.
Clinical Letter Writer
Write a letter that can be printed out or sent electronically to recipients that use secure messaging services.
My Health Record
My Health Record (MHR) provides a secure online summary of a patient’s health information, and authorised Healthcare providers can view and update that information.
HealthShare directory
HealthShare is Australia's largest Specialist and Allied Health directory and can be used in Zedmed v36.3.3 and later - to produce printer referral letters.
Zedmed Auto Text
Auto text entries are paragraphs of text that can be entered by using a short name. Auto text may be used for progress notes in the Current Encounter pane or in the Letter Writer.