Claims & Payments


Reconcile payments
All payment advice received from Medicare, the DVA and Health Funds is displayed in the Claim Status, Payments tab. This information is used to reconcile invoices with payments made to the doctors and specialists.
Review claims
The introduction of Medicare Web Services means you no longer need to batch invoices in Zedmed. The claims are automatically sent one at a time and the invoices will still be paid in bulk by Medicare. These claims are managed in the new Claims Status screen
Manually Associate Receipts
In some scenarios, you may need to use your own receipt. For example, if the remittance advice was posted or emailed to the practice instead of being sent to Zedmed. You will need to create a receipt in Zedmed for the remittance advice, and enter th...
Manually receipt a Medicare payment for a voided invoice
If you have voided an invoice and not informed Medicare, you will receive a payment for that claim and will not be able to reconcile the payment because the invoice is no longer valid
Manually receipt an ECLIPSE payment for a voided invoice
For ECLIPSE billing, the patient is the payer with the health fund added to their details.  When payments are received for ECLIPSE claims, a single Payment ID may contain invoices for multiple patients. If a payment has been received for a voi...