What to check in the appointment and patient record when making a booking or attending a patient.
What to check in Appointment Details
Double-click the patient's booking to open the Appointment Details screen and check.
- The appointment Duration is correct for the appointment Type.
- Check that Allow SMS is ticked.
- Some patients may have a Referral or Alerts noted.
- There may also be a notification banner.
Patient Details
From the Appointment book, right-click the patient and select Patient Details, and check that:
- Check there is a Usual Dr selected.
- Select the Patient Verification button to verify their Medicare / Health Fund status.
- Select the eHeatlh status tab and retrieve the IHI if required.
- Check the patient has a Payer and usual Dr fee schedule selected.
- Check the Alerts for relevant information.
- Check there is a Referral and that the referral details are included.