Payers & fees


Payers, items & fees overview
This guide explains the relationship between item types, items, payers, fees and invoices and how they work together for billing. The sections explain each component in the order they would be used when setting up a payer.
Managing Item fees
After updating a fee, you can check the items and fee amounts in Zedmed. This includes fees for health funds, WorkCover, BUPA, DVA, TAC, Motor Vehicle and Latrobe.
Update existing Medicare fees
Download the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) fees file and use it to update all Medicare fees in Zedmed. This will update the fees of existing MBS items.
Update Other Fees
Download a fees file and update Zedmed with the latest item fees. You will perform these steps for each payer you need to update, such as a health fund, WorkCover, BUPA, DVA, TAC or Motor Vehicle.
Add a new Medicare item
Add new MBS items that are not currently in Zedmed. These are items that Medicare has added to MBS and need to be loaded using the fees file. Performing a fees update will not add these items.
Add a non-Medicare item
Add an item number for a service that's not included in the list of items provided by Medicare. This would include items for non-clinical costs that need to be charged to a patient.
Add a new fee type
Medicare has a list of service items with the fees that can be claimed for those items. Funds and 3rd parties use those same items but have their own fees, which are applied using a Fee Type.
Extend a fee's end date
Extend the end date of an item number, including the date of an item number that's exceeded its validity date and is no longer appearing when you search for it.
Derived item fees
Medicare items for bulk billing attendances to nursing homes, hospitals, and institutions may not include fees, so the fees need to be updated manually. If you don't do this, the invoice will be rejected.