Stock Management


Stock Management quickstart
Manage your stock of vaccines and consumables using Zedmed Stock Management. This feature supports sub-products for vaccine vials and doses and includes in-depth stock reporting.
Add a new product
Add a new product to Stock Management. If the product needs to be managed in smaller denominations, you can also create a sub-product.
Add and monitor stock
Add stock to a product in Stock Management. This task is performed as new stock arrives from the supplier and needs to be entered into the Stock Management system.
Stock level managment
Stock levels are automatically updated as stock is used in clinical encounters. However, there are times when you will want to make a manual stock adjustment, for example, if a vaccine vial was broken or a dose unused.
Use stock in a clinical encounter
Record the use of stock in a clinical encounter. This process records vaccines and consumables used, adds the cost to billing and reduces the stock level in Stock Management.