Popular Articles

  1. Medicare error codes

    A full list of Medicare error codes and Medicare claim rejection codes - explain the rejection reason or how it was assessed when you lodge a Medicare benefits claim.
  2. Zedmed's Current Release

    Zedmed 36.5 is the latest release and includes electronic signatures, secure send, automatic recalls and MyMedicare support.
  3. Zedmed upgrade guide

    This guide explains how to perform a server upgrade and how client upgrades work. These upgrades are performed manually on your database server and automatically on the client workstations.
  4. Write a prescription

    Use the Drugs module to write a regular patient script. This article covers the steps required to write a standard script and includes options for new prescriptions and re-prescribing, and print and electronic formats.
  5. My Health Record

    My Health Record (MHR) provides a secure online summary of a patient’s health information, and authorised Healthcare providers can view and update that information.
  6. Update existing Medicare fees

    Download the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) fees file and use it to update all Medicare fees in Zedmed. This will update the fees of existing MBS items.
  7. Health fund brand IDs

    When you set up a debtor or account payer, you will need to provide the Brand ID. This page provides a list of funds\payers and their brand IDs. The ECLIPSE fund scheme Claim type can be added to each doctor in the treating doctor details.  ...
  8. NASH PKI Certificates

    NASH (National Authentication Service for Health) PKI Site Certificates are used to create secure connections to online patient services, including My Health Record and ePrescribing. The earlier PKI certificates have been deprecated. Useful con...
  9. HL SmartForms install

    Zedmed v35.10.0 and later can be integrated with HealthLink SmartForms by installing Zedmed's HealthLink Forms application. This allows Zedmed to send referrals and documents using SmartForms, and prepopulate those forms with patient and referrer information.
  10. Zedmed Version 35

    Zedmed v35.10.2 is the first public release since Zedmed v35.7.3, and the upgrade incorporates 27 updates and 12 new features including HealthLink SmartForms support.